Rekaviður – A Call to Action

Project Website:

Driftwood is omnipresent in Iceland’s history and culture. It plays a central role in the Nordic creation myth and was one of the most important resources for centuries, without which the country could not have been settled permanently. The driftwood on Iceland’s coasts originates from Eurasia and North America and represents a living archive—during its travels through the Arctic it has recorded the regional climate changes of the past 12,000 years.

“Rekaviður” is an educational research project aiming to raise awareness for climate change in the Arctic region via the journey of driftwood, for the importance of afforestation for climate mitigation as well as for driftwood’s vital role in Iceland’s history and culture. „Rekaviður“ is also an invitation for everyone to engage in the craft of making driftwood objects and to contribute to afforestation for climate mitigiation. 

The project consists of a travelling exhibition presenting insights on different aspects of driftwood, a 45min documentary and the project website that provides more background information. If you would like to host the exhibition and/or screen the film, please get in touch with Ines

Rekaviður was initially conceived by Kollektiv Lichtung and is realized in partnership with NES Artist Residency in Skagaströnd, Iceland and in cooperation with the University Centre of the Westfjords. The project is funded by Loftslagssjóður, rannís.